awards | fellowships
University of Cologne, Morphomata International Center for Advanced Studies (Käte Hamburger Center), Research Fellow of the ‘Biography/Life Writing and Portraiture as Figurations of the Particular’ Theme, 2018-19 (monthly stipend plus Falmouth University teaching replacement)
University of New South Wales, Centre for Modernism Studies in Australia, Postdoctoral Fellowship of Visual Culture & the Moving Image, 2015-17
Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA) Travel Awards, 2012 and 2013
Brown University, Pembroke Center, Carol G. Lederer Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2012-13 (one of three postdoctoral fellowship recipients with Meredith Bak & Amber Musser)
University of Edinburgh, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2010
University of Cambridge, Research and Travel Award, 2007 (£634)
University of Cambridge, Newnham College, Martland Fund/Research and Travel Award, 2006 (£750)
Society for Cinema and Media Studies Student Travel Grant (one of ten recipients, 135 international applicants), 2005 ($300 US)
University of Cambridge, Newnham College, Croasdale Fund, 2005
University of Cambridge, Newnham College, Marion Kennedy Continuing Research Studentship (one of two recipients), 2005 (£500)
University of Cambridge, Cambridge European Trust Long Vacation Scholarship, 2005 (£250)
University of Cambridge, Newnham College, Gamble Fund/Research and Travel Award, 2005 (£750)
University of Cambridge and Universities UK, Overseas Research Studentship Award Scheme Scholarship (one of 130+ nationwide recipients, 1,400 Cambridge University nominees), 2005 (£5,366 per annum X3)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Doctoral Award for international study, 2005 ($80,000 Canadian)
(declined) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Canadian Government Scholarship for Canadian study, 2005 ($105,000 Canadian)
University of Cambridge, Overseas and Commonwealth Trusts, Commonwealth Trust Bursary, 2004 (£4,000 per annum X4)
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, 2004 top finalist (placed 8th among PhD candidate applicants; top 7 accepted to PhD program with full funding; accepted University of Cambridge offer with full funding)
(declined) University of Warwick, North American Postgraduate Award, additional European Cinema PhD Program funding (one of four North American recipients), 2004 (£3,500)
York University Canada, Graduate Program in Film and Video, George Vari Graduate Award in Film and Video (sole recipient), 2003 ($2,500 Canadian)
York University Canada, Graduate Student Teaching Assistantship
University of Toronto, Cinema Studies, Innis College, Norman Jewison Annual Fellowship in Film Studies (sole recipient), 2002 ($10,000 Canadian)